This is my ENTIRE MTG collection. Lost my job so have to get rid of everything. Estimated value ~$8k+. Think this is going to be a steal for whoever wins the auction. Take a look and please ask if you have any questions. Everything shown is up for auction. There are hundreds of rare cards and probably 15k~25k cards total. 90% of cards are Mirrodin~MTG 2011 with a huge emphasis on sets Mirrodin through Alara. Tons of deck boxes (most are full of cards and most include the inserts - all cards are here from the decks however the decks might have been taken apart at some point). There are 2 binders, one has some overflow and pre-Mirrodin cards with newer rares (post-2010) as well. The main binder in the video has most of the rares. There are 3 of the complete championship decks (have some extras from the Nuijten deck), complete FOIL Slivers deck, most of the complete kamigawa decks with many extras. There are also dice etc. Includes plenty of rares like Demonic Tutor, Chrome Mox, Wrath of God, Ancestral Visions (not recall), foil lotus cards, etc.